Book Review | My Back-To-Basics Business Bible – Neeta Oza | #Gifted

Title: My Back-To-Basics Business Bible
Author: Neeta Oza
Publication date: 28th May 2019
My rating: ★★★★
Goodreads rating: 5.00
Pages: 57
Genre: Self Help, Business

 I received a #gifted copy of this book from the publishers Hashtag Press. I would like to thank Hashtag Press and of course the author, Neeta Oza, for providing me with a review copy of this book.

All views are my own and are not influenced by receiving a copy of this book in any way.


My Back-To-Basics Business Bible is an essential A-Z guide for all entrepreneurs and business owners seeking a daily dose of inspiration, motivation and encouragement. This powerful little book is packed with quotes, ideas, thoughts, tips and supportive words to keep you and your business healthy.

Overall opinion of the book:

Well, Neeta has done it again! She’s written a brilliantly helpful book that I’ll certainly be rereading over the next few years. This is the second book of Neeta’s that I’ve reviewed, the first being her My Mini-Micro Mindset Manual, which is a self help book with so much great and useful advice. If you’d like to read my review of it, you can do so here.

I enjoyed reading My Back-To-Basics Business Bible just as much as her first book and thought it was extremely useful. It contains an A-Z guide on how to make your business venture as successful as it can possibly be. It’s filled with advice, tips and quotes that are encouraging and helpful.

As someone interested in how business are run, I found this book enjoyable. Many business based books tend to be quite bogged down in information and quite often I find myself struggling to understand what the author is trying convey. Neeta’s book was like a breath of fresh air. It was easy to understand, while still being informative. She doesn’t focus on business jargon, but gets into the nitty gritty details of businesses and how to maintain your own while ensuring your mental health is managed. My Back-To-Basics Business Bible strips back all of the unnecessary and confusing information and takes readers back to the fundamentals and basics of owning and running your own business.

As a business owner herself, Neeta is experienced on this topic and even provides readers with tips and steps she used herself when setting up her business. Her fitness business has been running for two years now and is really successful, so it’s great that Neeta provides advice that has been proven to have worked! While everyone’s own business journeys are unique, it’s great to know that these tips provided are likely to help you on your own journey.

What’s great about My Back-To-Basics Business Bible is that although it’s main focus is around businesses, you don’t necessarily have to own a business or be a budding entrepreneur to read it. While of course, it will be useful for you if you are, it’s also helpful for the ordinary reader as it contains ideas you can apply to every day life. Or, if you’re a fellow blogger, then much of the advice given in this book will be relevant for you too. While you may not earn money from blogging, the advice Neeta gives doesn’t focus solely on this, but more on working on your own self and being successful.

As with her previous book, there were many pages I’ve dog eared (sorry!) as favourites and will be reflecting on when I need inspiration. I don’t want to spoil the book if you haven’t read it so I’ll write the letters that particularly resonated with me: A, C, G, I, N, O and T. I’ll talk about two I specifically found helpful as a blogger.

The first is N – Never Giving Up:

I’ll be honest, there have been many times I’ve contemplated giving up on my book blog, especially when it feels like I’m being pulled in every direction; Work, blogging, reading, maintaining a social life, spending time with family… the list goes on. As bloggers we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to ensure we’ve got X amount of posts being published a week and that we stay on top of review books etc. Sometimes the pressure gets to us all, but it’s important to take a step back, have a breather and remember why we began blogging to begin with.

When everything seems to much, it’s a great time to ask other bloggers for advice, spend time chatting with friends and reevaluate what you want to do. I’m so grateful for my amazing blogging friends who always encourage and support me. Reach out to other bloggers and create a network of friends doing similar things to you, it helps so much!

The second is G – Giving Back:

This is something I always make an effort to do. I love being able to give back to those who support and take the time out to read my blog, because it really does mean the world to me. It’s so much fun to run giveaways when I’m able to, or to surprise a friend with a book they’ve wanted.

Giving back doesn’t have to be about spending money though, it can be as simple as reaching out to other bloggers, supporting their blogs, commenting, liking and sharing posts, and being a friend to others. It’s important to not isolate yourself and to show kindness. There’s enough drama that goes on without us adding to it, this is why this page resonated with me so much. 😊

Neeta discusses many things in this book, such as: techniques that business owners will find helpful, ideas on how to be successful, ways to keep your mind and body healthy while working, and how to stay organised. It’s brilliantly written, laid out clearly and the spelling, punctuation and grammar is perfect.

Final thoughts:

I would certainly recommend this book to new and accomplished business owners, bloggers, budding entrepreneurs and also the ordinary reader. There’s so much you can take from this book and there will be parts of it that everyone will find helpful. There really is so much you can take from this book and I would definitely recommend reading it.

My Back-To-Basics Business Bible may be a short read, but it packs a punch. It will stay with you and prove to be really useful. It’s the perfect book to pop into your bag and read on your way to work, or first thing in the morning before you wake up to freshen your mind. It combines business, health, fitness and overall wellbeing tips, to help you with your own business journey.

If you would like to purchase this book, you can do so here:

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15 thoughts on “Book Review | My Back-To-Basics Business Bible – Neeta Oza | #Gifted

  1. Jemma @Fantastic Books says:

    Great review, it sounds like a really amazing book, even if you’re not running a business yourself. I adore the cover and the overall aesthetic of the book too, it’s beautiful.


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